There's been a fair amount of talk on the Internet recently about a new "miracle" product that cures many of today's biggest health problems. The product, oddly enough, is termed "magnesium oil". But you don't drink it, or put it on food. You rub it onto your skin. Among others things, it's supposed to prevent heart disease, lower your blood pressure and cure migraines.
So, what's so good about magnesium oil? After all, aren't there enough natural supplements and vitamins in the world already?
Calcium Magnesium
Well, being something of a natural health nut, I decided to take a closer look to see what it's all about. Here's what I found:
Studies show that 80% of all Americans are magnesium deficient. Wow, 80 percent.
It turns out that with all the talk of antioxidants, omega 3 and calcium, the media may have overlooked the real "missing link" in our diets. Evidently, the mineral magnesium is present in practically every cell in our bodies. Our cells depend on it for the most basic important functions. When we get low, bad things occur. Dr. Lawrence Resnick, MD, of Cornell University, a leading researcher on the mineral, stated: "Without enough magnesium, cells simply don't work."
It seems that quite a large body of research on magnesium has been performed over the years. And the results of the studies are so compelling that it makes you wonder why we haven't heard about it earlier. Magnesium deficiency has been linked to heart disease, diabetes, migraines, diabetes, depression, fatigue, insomnia and many other conditions.
Many doctors and researchers are now going beyond saying that magnesium deficiency is "linked" to these illnesses and are saying that it is the actual "cause" of the disease, which is a big step upward.
Here's a shocking quote by Dr. Mildred S Seelig, MD: "Most modern heart disease is caused by magnesium deficiency. A vast and convincing body of research, largely ignored, has convinced us and many colleagues of this fact." Coming from a doctor of solid reputation, that's a pretty strong statement.
Okay, so it's clear that we need magnesium in our diets or bad things happen to us. No problem, we can just get it from food and water, right? Well, that presents a surprising dilemma.
In the year 1900, magnesium was plentiful in our food and water. But today, our drinking water is stripped of minerals by our filtration plants. Also, vegetables and meats are much lower in this vital mineral due to modern large-scale farming techniques, which have depleted the soils.
In fact, magnesium in our food and water is only half of what it used to be a hundred years ago. By the way, it turns out that heart disease was practically non-existent 100 years ago, when magnesium levels in food and water was higher. Back then, there were no doctors specializing in heart disease, because almost nobody had the malady.
Well surely there must be some foods we can still eat that are good sources of magnesium, right? The answer to this is yes, if you want to eat a mountain of pumpkins seeds and spinach EVERY DAY. But most people simply won't do this.
By now I'm beginning to realize that I'll have to get my daily magnesium through supplements, since getting it in food and water has become impractical.
And as I turn my attention to finding a good supplement, I get another surprise: All magnesium supplements taken by the mouth (orally) are only absorbed at about a 20% level, with the rest passing through us. Our intestines simply don't absorb the magnesium: powders, tablets, drinks, any of them.
To make matters worse, if you try to compensate for this low absorption by taking larger doses of magnesium supplements, you get diarrhea. I tried doing this and it's true, you get diarrhea.
This is when the sheer magnitude of the problem dawned on me: 80% of us are magnesium deficient; we can't get enough from our food and water; the supplements we take don't get absorbed; and to top it all off, almost nobody in the media is talking about the dangers of magnesium deficiency - heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, etc.
Because this is so important, I re-doubled my efforts. There just had to be a supplement out there that would work. That's when I came across magnesium oil.
Magnesium oil seems to be different than all the other supplements out there, because it's absorbed through the skin. You rub it onto your arms and legs like a lotion. They say it works using the same principle as the transdermal nicotine patches sold in the drug stores.
Although it's termed "magnesium oil" it's not really an oil after all. It's a super-saturated solution of magnesium chloride in a water base. When you rub in onto the skin it feels a little slippery, but then it dries in seconds and no longer feels oily.
Evidently a doctor by the name of Norman Shealy MD, did a trial with patients using the magnesium oil and found that it was highly absorbable without any side effects such as diarrhea. They used a regimen of spraying the oil on the skin in conjunction with a daily footbath. The results showed that his patients raised their cellular magnesium levels to the top of the reference scale in a remarkable 6 weeks. Normally, with orally taken supplements, this can take 2 years or longer.
I've personally been using the magnesium chloride oil myself for several months now and my observation is that it's the real deal. Although I consider myself healthy, it has eliminated a few nagging problems I had: runner's knee and migraines. These symptoms are gone now. I also feel like I never get tired anymore. I can work as hard as I want and still not feel run down.
So in conclusion, I guess all the "buzz" about magnesium oil is well founded. It appears to solve a huge problem. Magnesium deficiency is a serious health problem the world is facing right now and the sad part is that the media has yet to catch on.
Cyber Monday Country Life Target Mins Calcium-Magnesium Potassium, 180-Tablet 2011 Deals
Nov 29, 2011 16:04:48
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Cyber Monday Country Life Target Mins Calcium-Magnesium Potassium, 180-Tablet Feature
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